Nasci launches leukospermia analysis by flow cytometry
During a spermogram, leukocytes concentration in semen is evaluated. The spermogram is considered abnormal when more than 1 million spermatozoa per milliliter of semen are observed.
Observation under the microscope that is performed during a spermogram can’t be precise enough to really quantify leukocytes as concentrations are so low. The best way to determine the concentration of these leukocytes is to use flow cytometry. This analysis is complementary to the spermogram and present an irrefutable precision that helps to measure and follow the progression or the regression of leukospermia as medical treatments are applied.
Please visit our new website page that concerns this new analysis by clicking here.
You can also set an appointement for a spermogram or another analysis by clicking here.
I hope these informations will help you in your efforts.
Dr Mathieu Boilard, Ph. D.
President, Nasci Biologie Médicale