Post-vasectomy spermogram : published!

Clinical biochemistry

Our unique post-vasectomy spermogram method was published in the scientific journal Clinical Biochemistry.

For the most motivated ones, the written work can be purchased here. And no, this money does not go into our pockets!

We had presented this spermogram method to our peers at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society of Clinical Chemistry in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island last June.

Another step forward!

Special thanks to our team of sperm donors!

To learn more about the post-vasectomy spermogram, please click here.
To set up your appointment for your spermogram, please click here.

Mathieu Boilard, PhD.
Président, Nasci Biologie Médicale Inc.

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Nasci Biologie Médicale Inc. is actively conducting several research projects on human fertility. Because of that, our laboratory is constantly seeking sperm donors in order to continuously improve the analyses offered and to develop new ones for the future. If you are interested in helping future clients and contributing to the success of our business, please contact us by clicking ici