Creation of the Ordre des Biologistes du Québec

M. Scott McKay who is a parliament assistant to the ministre du Développement durable, de l’Environnement, de la Faune et des Parcs was present at the last meeting of the Association des Biologistes du Québec (ABQ). Mr McKay gave emphasis to the intention of the present provincial government to go ahead with the project of creating the new Ordre des Biologistes du Québec.

Biologists have very particular competences and use them in so many fields for which public protection is a very important stake. Consequently, the creation of the order is now bound to happen. The situation of your humble servant, who is presently writing to you, is a flagrant example…

You can read the ABQ’s press release about the subject here.

Thank you for reading!

Dr Mathieu Boilard, Ph.D.
Biologiste (ABQ# 3190)
Président, Nasci Biologie Médicale

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